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Infuse Modern Delicacy into Traditional Woodworking

Laser engravers and cutters won't replace the traditional power tools, but it will definitely change how your woodowrking projects look.

Infuse Modern Delicacy into Traditional Woodworking

Laser engravers and cutters won't replace the traditional power tools, but it will definitely change how your woodowrking projects look.


Easter egg box


Wooden bowl


Wooden lamp


Wooden wall art


Wine package box


Layered art


Wooden sign


Layered art


Wooden bookmarks


Wall hanging


Layered map


Wooden flag

Drop element here

They Don't Just Look Good. They Sell Well, and Fast.

The delicacy of laser-made porojects not only makes them look nicier. It makes them the crafts people would love to pay more for.

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They Don't Just Look Good. They Sell Well, and Fast.

The delicacy of laser-made porojects not only makes them look nicier. It makes them the crafts people would love to pay more for.

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Why You Need a Laser
Machine for Woodworking

Averagely, laser machines are more costly than traditional power tools, but the delicacy, efficiency, and the potential to earn more is quite worth the investment.

High Engraving and Cutting Fineness

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Higher Output with Less Effort


Customization Creates Higher Profit Margin


Safer Working Environment

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Why You Need a Laser Machine for Woodworking

Averagely, laser machines are more costly than traditional power tools, but the delicacy, efficiency, and the potential to earn more is quite worth the investment.

High Engraving and Cutting Fineness

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Higher Output and Less Effort

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Customization Creates Higher Profit Margin


Safer Working Environment

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It Doesn't Take a Pro to Get Started on Laser

Design skills? woodworking experience? xTool lasers needs none of these skill set to get started.

It Doesn't Take a Pro to Get Started on Laser

Design skills? woodworking experience? xTool lasers needs none of these skill set to get started.

What about Thick
and Long Wood Cutting?

Cutting long and thick wood is not a problem anymore for laser machines as it used to.

xTool S1 Desktop Diode Laser

With an automatic conveyor, xTool S1 can expand the working area to 118''×18.5'' (3000*470mm).

Get to Know xTool S1  > 

xTool P2 Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter

The 55W xTool P2 can cut wood sheets at a maximum thickness of 18mm.

Get to Know xTool P2 >

What about Thick
and Long Wood Cutting?

Cutting long and thick wood is not a problem anymore for laser machines as it used to.

xTool S1 Desktop Diode Laser

With an automatic conveyor, xTool S1 can expand the working area to 118''×18.5'' (3000*470mm).

Get to know xTool S1  >

xTool P2 Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter

The 55W xTool P2 can cut wood sheets at a maximum thickness of 18mm.

Get to know xTool P2  >

Laser Cutters Can't Do Real Woodworking? Not Necessarily.

Normally, laser machines can't make things robust enough like tables, desks. But there's some workarounds here if you will.


Laser Cutters Can't Do Real Woodworking? Not Necessarily.

Normally, laser machines can't make things robust enough like tables, desks. But there's some workarounds here if you will.


Take Your Woodworking Beyond Wood

The high material compatibility of laser cutters totally expands your business range as a woodworker.

Check Complete Material List >